Going Beyond the Hour

Tonight people world over would celebrate Earth Hour 2011. In the past two years, I have been able to participate in this huge event by shedding our current load for the stipulated one hour. This is a topic very close to my heart as readers of my earlier blog also may remember (Read Towards A Green Tomorrow). If I manage to turn off the lights and observe the Earth Hour tonight, I will be doing so for the third consecutive time. What has changed in the last two years, except an ever increasing number of people turning off their lights? For one thing, I have noticed that this year the Earth Hour campaign implores us to “go beyond the hour”. Obviously, this is where the movement needs to go now. But, how? Continue reading

A Free Ride to my Hometown

So, what triggered that conversation? I have met this person so many times during the past two years to discuss business (past  & future). And, I always knew he is a Malayali. But, never for once did we discuss the exact coordinates of our location in Kerala. On Monday this week, I was in the unwinding sort of mood when we visited this Client, once again. Continue reading

A Brush with Greatness

I have often tried to understand: what forms the greatness in a person? The description of greatness may be disputed. However, once in a while, you come across a person, you hear him talk, you observe him and then, without any obvious written reason/description, you feel you are in the company of someone great. No matter how people would describe “greatness”, when you finally meet a “great” person despite the definitions you have learned of greatness, you get a feeling of the greatness in that person. Continue reading

The Thought Machine

Just the other day, I was marveling at the way our thoughts flow, converge and then, dissipate only to strike back with more irrelevant connotations. Such is the mind that rarely do you notice how you have transcended from one thought to another. Sometimes at the end of 10-minute thought processes, I would hardly be able to find out how I reached the last thought from the first thought and harder, sometimes, would it be to discover what that first thought must have been. Continue reading

The Beauty of “NO!”

There is beauty in “NO!” or so I have come to realize. We generally hate to say “NO” and like to take up anything and everything that comes our way, regardless of whether we are really equipped with the time and capabilities to undertake it or not. Today, I wish to share my learning in this matter and I hope you would excuse a few minutes for the purpose of reading through this. Continue reading

A Clean Board

I am not yet the worst blogger on the Internet. That’s why I keep coming back. For that matter, I was never gone. I would still occasionally write some thing or the other, anonymously or otherwise. But, you as my friends have read none of those, as yet. Well, to be honest, they were not great experiences; in one of them, I tried writing from the angle of a demented individual.

The Suhail Rasheed blog has, to date, been my most successful blog depending on the benchmark one uses to measure success. Here, for example, it only means “successful” on a comparative basis. When I stopped writing on that platform almost 2 years ago, it was not because I was tired of writing. I had then, gone through certain experiences in life, due to which I couldn’t see any more meaning, or rather purpose, in my writing. My writings must manage to, if not anything else, invite thoughts. Thoughts do not necessarily convert into actions. But, there definitely is no action without at least some amount of thought.

The way I see it, even though I have cleared myself of my blocks, I was still not being able to write on the earlier platforms. So, for a while, I started writing anonymously. The idea was not so much as to write like a schizophrenic would do, but to write without the fear of having to stop one day. Nobody would discover my identity and I would have no constant commitments. Well, as I said, it did not quite work out the way I expected it to.

So, here I am, back to writing under my own sweet name. And, this time, I did not want to go back to the old page and the same old same old. I thought of starting anew with a fresh page and that’s when I thought of calling it, “A Clean Board”. I would wipe out the past and start all over again, on a “clean board”. The idea caught my fancy and I immediately set down my fingers to work. I must admit things have changed a lot; so much that setting up blogs are now easier than it ever was.

The idea of this blog is not yet clear and I have no intention to stick to any particular theme, as of now. However, in the first few days, I would like to discuss how things have moved on for me in life during the two years that have gone by and what I am up to, these days. Hopefully, there shall be a larger readership this time around. Even if there shall not be, I do not intend to fret or faint. I have been through this before and I have no fear of being again. It is a clean board and I am starting anew.

Welcome to “A Clean Board”! 5J2BT5DV3XVG

Good Day, Good Night!