Reflections on Readings #3 – Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges is a name I was not familiar with, until two years ago or so . Ever since, I have been searching for some of his more famous short stories and collections. Somehow, there does not seem to be a good market for his books in Bangalore. I could only find a few books here and there, yet none of the famed ones. The few I found were also expensive beyond my budget. Continue reading

Reflections on Readings #2 – The Great Gatsby

Once upon a time, reading used to get priority over everything else in my life. I remember taking a book to most places I visited as a child. The times have changed. Reading quite does not fall into the category of first priority these days. It is something for which I have to make time over all the other pressing priorities in a day. And sometimes, when I travel for business, I make use of that time to devour a book which will more or last the duration of my journey. The point is, reading is out of compulsion now, a necessity without which I might even stop living. Yet, it is not the natural choice of activity in a day. Continue reading

Reflections on Readings – #1

Reading through Maria Popova’s Brain Pickings this evening, I was struck with great realization. The article in question brought light on Tchaikovsky’s take on Inspiration and Work Ethic. The gist is this: We cannot expect inspiration to hit us every day. But, for the lack of inspiration, if we stop working altogether, we turn into something worse. We become idle and gradually lose interest in the work. Continue reading